💥 Skillrocks, taking into account the high demand, decided to launch another HR course at the end of this year, updated and enriched with “best practice” examples.
✔️ END TO END HR: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE course approved by the Board of the Armenian HR Association.
The course is provided with “best practice” examples, and any theoretical approach will be supported by practical examples and assignments. The course is fully interactive and includes role-playing games and practical tasks.
➕ During the course, participants will learn
- HRM as the foundation of the organization’s development and a business partner
- HRM structure and operations in the company
- HRM department and processes management through specific techniques and tools
- Internal and external branding of the employer
- Employee motivation and engagement. Modern methods and tools
- Employee development as a tool for increasing the company’s efficiency
🗣 The course is led by Lilit Gevorgyan – Human Capital Advisory Services Director at Grant Thornton, trainer, human resources, and organization development consultant with more than 12 years of experience.
END TO END HR COURSE. FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE course consists of theoretical and practical parts:
Theory ➕ Practice (24 hours, 10 lessons, 15.11-15.12) ➕ exam
Cost of participation: 119,000 drams.
You can also pay for the course in installments.
Find out more about the course program here.
If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate and contact skillteam at:
Tel: 060 70 75 70