teaching. ReCHARGE

- July 24, 2020
- 19:00 to 20:00
- Live Conversation
- +37477799629
on July 24 we will be hosting an educator and researcher Dr. Mikayel Minasyants, who will be talking about and the possible trends of transformation.
The following points will be discussed:
◾ What should the teachers learn?
◾ What are the most valued skills for a teacher?
◾ What skills should teachers develop to keep up with the current trends?
Dr. Mikayel Minasyants, 28, is an educator and researcher who has been in the field of higher education for more than 8 years, out of which more than 5 years has been in the field of international education in various capacities. As a teacher Mikayel has taught “Biology”, “Environmental Systems and Societies” and “Theory of Knowledge” courses of an internationally recognized pre-university program called “International Baccalaureate”.
His career has been closely tied with United World Colleges (UWC) educational movement which advocates for peace, cross-cultural learning and sustainable lifestyle. Currently he teaches at UWC Robert Bosch College in Freiburg, Germany.
Alongside his academic career, Mikayel has been involved in volunteering for the past 10 years and is an author to more than a dozen scientific publications.
The Conversation will be hosted by Arpi Karapetyan (www.arpikarapetyan.com) in Armenian.