On January 26, the “հայrate” award ceremony took place, within the framework of which the most attractive employers in Armenia were awarded in accordance with the comprehensive survey conducted among students. It is already the third year that the initiative is implemented by the joint efforts of the Armenian HR Association and Grant Thornton Armenia, with the aim of emphasizing the attractiveness of employers among young people entering the labor market and revealing how targeted employers’ efforts to increase their brand awareness among students are. Around 1.000 students of Armenia’s leading higher education institutions participated in the survey, expressing their opinion openly by naming the most attractive employer for 2023, regardless of the field of their activity.
Such initiatives are important both from the aspect of reflection and expression of students’ ideas, as well as for the formation of more flexible, encouraging initiatives of employers towards youth, as the representatives of tomorrow’s labor market of Armenia.
The students highlighted more than 50 organizations as attractive employers, out of which 10 with the most votes were selected and announced during the award ceremony. The company with the majority of votes for the “most attractive employer” category was specially emphasized and awarded. Thus, the top 10 companies are as followed: Digitain, Pixart, Soft Construct, Ameriabank, Synopsys, Service Titan, Central Bank, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Inecobank, Adobe.
The need to maintain and foster student-employer communication was reaffirmed and the importance of “հայrate” as an effective initiative of revealing that communication was emphasized.
The full results of the research analysis can be found HERE.
In addition, you can find brief results in the presentation shown at the award ceremony:
hairate 2023 – presentation of the results of the attractive employers awards